Wednesday, September 23, 2009


There once was a young woman who was pondering, "Who do I call for prayer?"
You see, she had felt the calling of the Lord her whole life. Her family had strong spiritual ties to the Lord.
She had tried to follow in these footsteps and was uplifted, encouraged, and edified...until the people who professed to love her found out that she had what some might call a birth defect, a choice had been made for her and and she was the say she was and when she tried to do something about it, the pain was unbearable. She had to make a choice to be who she was and not try to change it or hide it anymore. The door that had been open to her was slammed in her face. So she walked away from God.
For years He pursued her, hounded her, nagged her, touched her, and talked to her through every available avenue. The Lord loved her and had called her and was not going to give up. He knew how He had created her. He wanted her this way. He knew the gifts He had placed in her and He knew the wonderful powerful woman of God that she would become.
One day she decided, and yelled back at Him, "OK, I'll try it one more time, Fine! I'll find a church and go. OK! Leave me alone!"
She got up the courage and went, she was welcomed. These people seemed to be different. She went back again and was still welcomed. Sunday after Sunday, she walked through those doors. She got to know people But most of all, she started to allow herself to feel the desires she had felt before, the desire to serve, the desire to go and pray for the sick. She said in her heart, "Ok Lord, I'll do it, I'll listen to you, I'll do your will, I will serve you... The church had become a safe haven for er. And the best thing, they saw her birth defect, and loved her anyway.
Time went by, she learned more and more about how to listen to the Lord. He showered His love upon her. He had her just where He wanted her. He would draw close to her and she would not run from Him and this pleased Him. He desire to show her the wondrous ways He wanted to use her. To Him, she was a beautiful rare flower of great value.
One day, she felt the call on her life to serve Him in the church in a special manner. She said nothing, she prayed and prayed. The Lord confirmed it many times in many ways. Finally she said "Yes Lord, I will serve you in this way." She went to the pastor and people who had uplifted, encouraged, loved, and prayed for her and told them of the call of the Lord. To her amazement, they said no. The people who had once supported her now judged her and told her she couldn't. She bowed her head and left. Her heart was broken. Her spirit was crushed. Where she had felt certainty, she now felt doubt. She fell oner face before the Lord, and she questioned Him, she yelled at Him, she wailed to Him, she crumbled before him, and at His feet she melted. He knelt down and said to her, "My child, my sweet sweet child, I believe in you." Then.....He stood up... and went to talk to the church.
The phone rang. When she answered, she heard the shaky voice of her beloved daughter. Her Doctor was sending her to the ER of a local hospital. The miracle child she was carrying had not moved within her for a few days. "Mom, she cried, Your Church has prayed for me before, mom, call your church and have them pray...please mommy, call them!" Her heart broke again. When she hung up, she closed her eyes and she saw the look on the faces of the people who had broken her heart and judged her. She began to weep again and she prayed "Lord, who do I call for prayer?".............

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